One Room Challenge Week 4: Choosing the right neutral

It’s week 4 of our One Room Challlenge and we’re very behind on our progress. If you read our last post you know all about our devastatingly huge little setback. Sadly we still don’t have an update on that front but we’re hoping to find a solution this weekend. Trying not to be discouraged though we’re […]

Dreamhouse Update: Construction Progress Report [Video]

Things have been crazy busy lately – which you’ve probably gathered from our lack of blog posts in the last month. It’s been a bit of a struggle trying to strike the balance between our day jobs, being a parent to a 5 year old (Yes our little guy is FIVE now), working on the […]

DIY Storage Bench - PARA Blog Crew Spring Fever

SPRING FEVER with the PARA Blog Crew

Well it’s finally here! It’s Spring Fever Reveal day & I’m pretty excited to share what Kes & I’ve been slaving over working on! When I think of spring projects for the home, the first things that tend to come to mind are storage and organization.  So when we were tasked with a ‘spring paint […]

PARA Blog Crew SpringFever: 5 Blogs + 5 DIYs - Coming Apr 8th

Spring is (finally) in the air…

It’s April!!! And after months of snow, ice and Polar Vortex temperatures, Mother Nature is finally giving us a bit of a reprive (knock on wood) from what felt like the longest. winter. ever! Oh – and let me take a minute to say thank you for the overwhelmingly positive emails, text messages & blog comments I […]