November 2016

We're just a few days away from Black Friday in the U.S.! Who am I kidding, it's almost Black Friday here in Canada too (since our retailers have insisted on making it a thing), lol!  And as all of our inboxes fill up with flyers, deals & door crashers, we thought we'd share a little inspiration to take with you as you head out to all the sales this week. We've had so many questions about how we put together the modern industrial vibe for our family room, so we're sharing a source list to help you shop the look!

We made it to the finish line!!! I can't begin to tell you how excited (and relieved) I am to be able to say that. Today marks week 6 of the One Room Challenge and we're revealing one of the largest spaces in the house - our modern industrial family room.  This is the first truly 'finished' space on the main floor of our home and it feels so amazing to finally be able to walk in and get that first real glimpse of our vision for the Dreamhouse.