Author: Tash @ thedreamhouseproject

Workcation: work·ca·tion (noun) 1. A period of vacation from normal work activities, not used for rest, recreation, or travel, but rather used to work your house:  Eg. Team Dreamhouse is on workcation right now. This week Kes and I decided to take the week off to knock a huge DIY off our to-do list.  We'll be installing our radiant in-floor heating system.  We'll get into the full details of radiant heating in a more in-depth post in the coming weeks, but right now I just wanted to give you a quick glimpse into the fun we've been having so far...

It's been over a month a loooong time since my last post and even longer since we've given you all a proper progress report on the Dreamhouse. I wish I could give you some amazing reason why like Kes & I have been off traveling and having the time of our lives. Or better yet that we've been keeping an epic secret & I've simply been too exhausted to write because I'm busy growing a human (a girl can dream right!?)...

Well it's finally here! It's Spring Fever Reveal day & I'm pretty excited to share what Kes & I've been slaving over working on! When I think of spring projects for the home, the first things that tend to come to mind are storage and organization. So when we were tasked with a 'spring paint projects' challenge, we wanted to find an area of the house where we could solve a problem while adding a bit of style. The entryway in my mom's house was the perfect candidate. Home to a broken, non-functioning storage bench and constantly cluttered with shoes, we decided

It's April!!! And after months of snow, ice and Polar Vortex temperatures, Mother Nature is finally giving us a bit of a reprive (knock on wood) from what felt like the longest. winter. ever! Oh - and let me take a minute to say thank you for the overwhelmingly positive emails, text messages & blog comments I received after my last post.  It's funny how a public online meltdown always manages to provide the most reader engagement.  So thanks guys for allowing me to vent.  :) Now on to more pressing matters

If you're lucky in life, you're blessed with the kind of friendship that spans decades. Through breakups, triumphs, & crazy vacations; loves, loses, adventures & many many glasses of wine, I've been blessed to have an amazing friend by my side. Angela of Metta in Motion Yoga is one of my closest friends. Friends from childhood we weren't always as close as we are now, but as we grew into womanhood together, I came to realize she's my kindred spirit of sorts. She's my person. My go to when I want to want to 'shop, share, heal, hurt, joke, or

It's amazing how quickly karma can come back around. A couple of weeks ago we introduced the concept of Random Acts of Paint as a way of paying it forward. I'm a firm believer that if we all made an effort once in a while to do something nice for someone else there'd be a little more light in the world. As it happens, not more than a week later, Kes & I found ourselves on the receiving end of a random act of kindness that quite literally brought 'light' into our lives

We hope you're all enjoying the long weekend. I know I am. There's just something awesome about heading into a Sunday evening and being hit by the realization that there's still one more day left of the weekend. It's kind of like putting on a jacket you haven't worn in a while & finding money in the pocket.  I don't usually post on Sundays but today I wanted to take some time out for a little bit of exciting news! Right now the blog world is a buzz with talk of The Homies. Every year, Apartment Therapy invites the public to submit their