It's Week 4 of the One Room Challenge and if you're new here you should probably go back to Week 1 and get yourself up to speed. But in case you're lazy like me let me give you the Coles' Notes version. We're 4 weeks into a 6 week challenge where we're creating our Dream Bedroom. There. That wasn't hard at all! But with just 2 weeks to go, there's no time to waste so let's get down to business.

It's week 3 of our One Room Challenge and true to form I'm beginning to feel the stress. Every time we decide to tackle a room makeover, Kes and I come up with these huge ideas & plans for multiple DIYs. Week 3 is usually about the time when I take a look back at the long list of to-dos that we have yet to complete and start to seriously doubt our ability to pull it all together in time. This time around is no exception.

Valentine's Day isn't usually a holiday we really get into around our house. Sure most years, I make valentine cards for Kash, or bake goodies for his class parties, but Kes and I tend to keep things pretty low key. Typically we'll just cook a nice meal for one another or catch a movie. It's been years since we've exchanged gifts and I can't remember any year where I've felt the need to decorate the house. This year however, with everything going on in the world I kinda feel like we could all use a little more love in our everyday lives. I decided to make this DIY Valentine string art to inject a little 'heart' into the Dreamhouse - and to serve as a gentle reminder to show love for one another, no matter our differences.

You guys!! How is it already the second week of December?! Am I the only one who feels like this month is flying by? Christmas will be here before you know it & if you've been following us on Instagram you know we've been hard at work getting the Dreamhouse all snazzied up for Christmas. Our tree is up & I've been working on a few quick & easy crafts to add to our festive decor. I'm all about crafts that are simple & don't take up too much time so I thought I'd share this one that literally took me 10 minutes and cost next to nothing - our DIY ornament string garland.